Welcome to the Apollo PTA Website!

Join and Support Apollo PTA


There is strength in numbers and increasing PTA membership,
even by just one, makes it possible to fund essential school resources
and curriculum needs at Apollo Elementary. We invite you to connect
with us by joining, because we can do more together than apart.
It only takes 5 minutes.

Please join/renew Apollo PTA membership to support our various
programs and events.

You also have lots of volunteer opportunities to help your students learn better!!

Questions? Email membership@apollopta.org 

Apollo PTA 2024-25 STEM Fair
Student Project Registration OPEN NOW till April 4th!!
The STEM Fair Date/Time: April 25th, 2025, 6pm
ALL Apollo students are encouraged to participate by working on a STEM (Science, Technology, Engineer, Math) related project alone or with your team and displaying it proudly at the STEM Fair. Please check the guidelines to make sure you follow all the instructions.
Please register now till April 4th.

Math is Cool Competition
March 8th and 22nd, 2025. 4th and 5th graders only.

Calling for Apollo 4th to 5th grade mathematicians! Due to the limitation of 4 teams per grade, our Apollo teams are only open to 4th and 5th graders to sign up, on a first-come, first-served basis. Please register online here by February 1st, 2025. 

Competition dates: 4th grade is March 22nd; 5th grade is March 8th. 

Please check details on our website

Questions? mathiscool@apollopta.org






Math In Action

Our Math Challenge #11 is available online NOW, due by Friday, March 7th, 2025 

To download the latest challenge or more info about the program here.  

If you have any questions, please email us MIA@apollopta.org






Spring into Reading!

Read at home Program

Due Date: June 9th, 2025

Read at home and earn a free book! All you have to do is read 20-30 minutes daily and keep track of your reading minutes with our handy log sheet. Your reading can include RAZ-Kids, Tumble Books, reading to self, reading to a buddy, or having an adult read to you. When your log sheet is complete and you have reached your goal, turn your calendar into your teacher to earn your reward from the PTA.
Tracking sheets here
Questions? rah@apollopta.org

General Membership Meeting
Nominating Committee
March 12th, 7-7:45 pm, Zoom
We are in need of a General Membership Meeting. Why? We need to vote in a Nominating Committee before they can assemble the nominations for the 2025-2026 PTA Board. Without a board, we can't have PTA next year.
We need at least 10 PTA members parents/caregivers to move ahead with our Nominating Committee.
Please attend!


Join our PTA, become a member!

There is strength in numbers and increasing PTA membership makes it possible to fund essential school resources and curriculum needs at our school. We'd like to invite you to join us! We can do more together than apart. It only takes 5 minutes.

Please join/renew Apollo PTA membership to support our various programs and events.

Questions? Email membership@apollopta.org 



Staff Appreciation & Wishlist


Want to bring a treat to your favorite Apollo staff member?

Check out their favorite things or their wishlists!



Order 2024-25 School Yearbook


Do you know that you can order 2024-25 Apollo Elementary yearbook NOW online through: https://www.treering.com/purchase?PassCode=1014756969594388

Questions? yearbook@apollopta.org

Apollo Spiritwear


Apollo Elementary Spiritwear

Back-to-School Sale

Gear up for the school year with Apollo spirit wear! Enjoy a 30% discount across our entire website during the back-to-school sale. With hundreds of designs waiting for you, shop now and get your order in just 10-12 business days!
Questions? Contact spiritwear@apollopta.org

Apollo Spiritwear


Apollo PTA en Español

Eres parte de nuestra comunidad en Apollo y hablas español? únete a nuestro nuevo grupo de WhatsApp para familias hispanohablantes! Es un canal de comunicación oficial de nuestra Asociación de Padres y Profesores (PTA).
If you are a member of our Apollo community and you also speak Spanish, join our WhatsApp group! It's an official PTA communication channel for Apollo families that speak Spanish.
We also invite our community to join our general family WhatsApp group and Chinese WeChat group, also official Apollo PTA channels of communication.



General Membership Meetings 2024-2025

We welcome all Apollo parents to attend our PTA general meetings. We will have 3 General Membership meetings per year for all parents and caregivers to attend. 

- Wednesday, Sept. 25th, 6:30 PM.

- Wednesday, January 29th, 6:30- 7:30 PM

- Wednesday, May 21st, 6:30- 7:30 PM

Please click here to find meeting information. 


With room for every WOW at Apollo PTA, please click HERE to see where you can help. Volunteer once a year, once a month or once a week. Everything and anything makes a difference for our kids.  

Upcoming Volunteer Opportunities

All volunteers must complete the District's online application and background check
Please Remember:
If you're planning to help out in the classroom or with any of the fun PTA activities this year, there's a registration process for the entire Issaquah School District.


Bell Schedule for the 2024-2025 School Year

Bell Times Regular Wednesday Early Release
General 9:15am - 3:40pm 9:15am - 1:30pm 9:15am - 11:30
Half-Day Kindergarten 9:15am - 12:15pm 9:15am - 12:15pm 9:15am - 11:45



Mar 2
7:00p General Membership Meeting
General Membership Meeting

Wednesday, March 12
7:00p - 8:00p
View in Outlook or Google Calendar      See full calendar